Symptoms? Please don't tell me.....!

Welcome to the symptoms page. Looks like you want to know more about Maple Syrup Urine Disease(MSUD). In this page, we would talk about what kind of symptoms one would face should they have MSUD so that they can identify the disease as soon as possible to seek medical attention.

1) Avoiding Food

Ever felt that the sight of food make you barf?

How about a poor appetite? It is a primary symptom for all kinds of medical problems.

2) Lethargy

Feeling tired all day despite having a sumptuous carbohydrate diet? You might be looking at a series of medical problems.

3) Vomiting

Now it gets serious. You find yourself puking things you never expected to, including your gastrointestinal fluids.

4) Seizures & eventually coma

Fairly self explanatory. If you get severe seizures and coma you probably wouldn't be reading this. Seizures are also one of the common symptoms for many medical problems. Even if you do not have MSUD, be sure to visit a doctor if you have Seizures

5) Urine smelling like maple syrup

Well, that's how Maple Syrup Urine Disease got its name. If your discharge is sweet smelling, or smells like maple syrup, you may be potentially have this disease. Seek help as quick as possible.


Now that you know some of the hints your body would provide you if you potentially have Maple Syrup Urine Disease, why not move over to one of the tabs at the right to find out how you could tackle the problems?


  1. Hi there, apart from the above symptoms mentioned, are there any other symptoms that should be taken note of if one suffers from this disease?

    1. If it is a milder form of the disease, other symptoms may include anorexia, poor growth, irritability and developmental delay later in childhood. If these children were to be stressed by fasting, dehydration or illness, more serious symptoms such as brain dysfunction and ketonuria will be present.
