Introduction - What is it?

When I first heard of the name "Maple Syrup Urine Disease", the first thing I thought of was literally ;

Maple Syrup

as well as

I tried to imagine it as a combination due to the name being "Maple Syrup Urine Disease", so I thought of a sticky texture(like maple syrup) that comes out as urine.
Unfortunately(and fortunately) there isn't a visual on the web of my imagination so there really isn't a picture to be shown. Try to think of it yourself. How can it even pass through the urethra if it's so thick?

Surprisingly, despite my outrageous imagination, I am not quite far from the actual thing.

According to PubMed, it says that the urine produced by those who has Maple Syrup Urine Disease(MSUD) will have a distinct smell that smells like maple syrup.

See! I'm not that far right? Okay maybe a little.

Now that we know what MSUD produces, let us dwell deeper into what exactly is MSUD.


Maple Syrup Urine Disease(MSUD) is a metabolism disorder that prevents certain amino acids from being broken down.
There are many severity levels for this disease, as well as different variants.
Basically, MSUD would cause accumulation of chemicals in the bloodstream due to the enzyme deficiency which may lead to detrimental problems to the body.

That concludes our introduction for Maple Syrup Urine Disease! More information can be found using the tabs on the RIGHT so head on over!


  1. This introduces to the layman the disease, yet provide a fun read at the same time. Well done! I like the way this blog is written, it feels as though you're entering a new world and someone's guiding you through, especially the end of every page. There's always the urge to go on.

    Commented here due to the epicness of this page. A pity I can't comment below the O_o cat!

  2. Hi Jerald and Esther. Thanks for a wonderful read. I really enjoyed the interesting way of presentation unlike the normal formal styles with paragraphs and paragraphs of words. This really helped me gain a clearer understanding of the topic!

    Hwai Yi

  3. Casual Jerald style of blogging hahaha, i like! Especially the intro part which kinda brings up what people usually will relate this disease to - Maple syrup + urine.

    Anyhow, this made everything simpler and its like reading a blog instead of some fact website, and at the same time gaining knowledge bout this Maple syrup disease!

    It made learning much easier and enjoyable ;D
    Thanks Esther & Jerald!

  4. This was a fun and interesting read! It's factual and funny at the same time. What a good presentation! :)

  5. I like the way you blog about the disease! A very engaging and interesting way to let us know more about this disease.
